German magazine TIEPOLO on Thursday the 06th of June 2013, Dominik Röding
Greek newspaper KERDOS on Monday the 29th of April 2013
ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ: Ενημέρωση για προϊόν της χρονιάς Natural Greek Codiments στο Bad Kissingen
Με περηφάνια σας ενημερώνουμε ,ότι επιστρέψαμε από την διοργάνωση 16.GenussGipfel – Corpus Culinario Delikatessen,που έγινε στο Bad Kissingen,από 14/04/13 έως 15/04/13, με το ΔΕΥΤΕΡΟ ΒΡΑΒΕΙΟ καλύτερου προϊόντος της χρονιάς.
Το βραβευμένο προϊόν ,είναι το γλυκό κουταλιού ΕΛΙΑ,το οποίο παράγεται από τον Γυναικείο Συνεταιρισμό Μεσότοπου στην Λέσβο.
Πράγματι είμαστε πολύ χαρούμενοι, γιατί καταφέραμε για ακόμη μία φορά να εκπροσωπήσουμε επάξια την πατρίδα μας,-χωρίς δυστυχώς, καμία υποστήριξη από την πολιτεία- και να παρουσιάσουμε στους ευρωπαίους εταίρους μας, το"άλλο" πρόσωπο της Ελλάδας.
Αυτό της δημιουργίας και της αξιοσύνης.
Κέρδος online 29/4/2013 15:08
The 16th Major Commodity Product Exchange, of Corpus Culinario Delicatessen Managers’ Group - Community at Regentenbau building in Bad Kssingen
Photos from the Corpus Culinario event at Regentenbau building in Bad Kissingen on 15.04.2013
In Regentenbau in Bad Kissingen took place the 16th GenussGipfel of Corpus Culinario DelikatessenManagers’ Group - Community of food, on 15th Apr 2013.
The Natural Greek Condiments presented themselves and their culinary products at the 16th GenussGipfel among the 75 international exhibitors at the Great Hall of the Regentenbau building.
350 visitors attended the event and the counter / stand No. 40 of Natural Greek Condiments, an event which proved to be of great interest and special appeal to the visitors.
The gourmet fans were very enthusiastic about the new product ranges of NGC and excited, especially with the "Present Bag", a culinary surprise with the new NGC-range products: fig truffles, the green olive dessert, 300 Spartans - organic extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin olive oil of Manaki variety, the fruit oils with lemon - orange and thyme flavor, two varieties of organic honeys from Taygetos mountain, Fleur de Sel, the pitted Kalamata olives, Kalamata olives in brine and five different varieties of herbs.
We are proud to inform you that we returned with the second prize for "The Best Product of the Year 2013".
The award-winning product is the spoon sweet of "Green Olive Dessert", which is produced by women's cooperative Messotopos in Lesbos.
The Corpus Culinario jury tasted the "Green Olive Dessert" on 14th of April with the Greek yogurt as a sauce, and chose it among the 3 TOP products of 2013.
Photos of Tast Award of Corpus Culinario Delikatessen with the "Green Olive Dessert" for "The Product of the Year 2013" at Faber Feinkost & Gastronomie in Bad Kissingen on 14.04.2013
Photos from "Corpus Culinario Welcome Evening" at Faber Catering & Gastronomie in Bad Kissingen on 14.04.2013
Corpus Culinario Welcome Evening with "zoë", extra virgin Olive Oil from Kalamata.
Photos of Presentation Award for "The Product of the Year 2013" at Regentenbau in Bad Kissingen on 15.04.2013.
- Prize Aprikosenlikör of Birgitta Rust.
- Prize Olive-Dessert of Natural Greek Condiments, Eleana Kassiteridou.
- Prize Caramel - Gold Corn of Thorsten Hobein.
The 15th Major Commodity Product Exchange, of Corpus Culinario Delicatessen Managers’ Group - Community in Hamburg
Photos from the Corpus Culinario event at the Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg on 23.04.2012
Photos from "Corpus Culinario Welcome Evening" at Hamburg Sail Clubs on 22.04.2012
On the 23rd of April 2012 took place the 15th Major Commodity Product Exchange, "The Summit of Gourmet Pleasure" - "Der 15. Genuss Gipfel" of Corpus Culinario delicatessen at Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg.
Natural Greek Condiments presented by Dr. Eleana Kassiteridou and Liana Nikolitsa, exhibited its new range of products and offered characteristic gifts to the visitors.
All in all, the Culinary Presentation of NGC was a great hit and proves its success.
The delicatessen tasters expressed their satisfaction concerning the related information of the presented products as well as the quality of the NGC range which was highlighted by all the Guests.
Photos from the event on the 23rd of November 2011 in Hotel Sofitel Bayerpost München.
Natural Greek Condiments, Sponsor of event in Hotel Sofitel Bayerpost München.
Natural Greek Condiments, presented by Dr Eleana Kassiteridou, Marketing Manager, was sponsor of this event and offered at the end of the event to all participants a gift of the NGC - product range, "Symbol", extra virgin olive oil from Mani and "Fleur de Sel" from Mani.
The event was organized by Mrs Christina Stefanidou, Manager for Economic and Commercial Affairs for Business Development of Greek General Consulate in Munich, Mr Dimitrios Papoulis, Consulter for Economic and Commercial Affairs for Business Development of Greek General Consulate in Munich and Hotel Sofitel Bayerpost München.
The participants were more than 170 and expressed their satisfaction at the finger - food presentation by Hotel Sofitel and the quality of the presented Natural Greek Condiments products of the olive oil varieties, fruit olive oils and Fleur de Sel.
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